Process Painting: The Intuitive Art of Letting Go



Volcano Art Center is offering “Process Painting” with Patricia Hoban on Saturday, July 11, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus. Cost is $50 for VAC Members ($55 non-members) with a $5 supply fee.

In this workshop we silence the internal critic and throw away the rulebook about how we “should” paint. Hoban explains, Process Painting new“When people learn ‘the process’ they can paint from within, letting their subconscious or right brain engage in spontaneous expression. When we move from judgment to curiosity, the whole world starts to open up!”

Picasso once said, “All art is a self-portrait.” He also believed the best creative work happens when the rational, self-editing mind gets out of the way of the intuitive inclination.

If you want to learn how to paint like Picasso or even Rembrandt, this isn’t the class for you. But if you want to let the brush, guided by instinct and the subconscious, teach you about yourself, then throw away the rulebook, tell your inner critic to take a hike and sign up for Process Painting with Patricia Hoban.

Patricia Hoban has a degree in Fine Arts and Education. She has a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University for her work as a prison chaplain. She studied Process Painting at the Center for Creative Exploration in San Francisco, and has been facilitating Process Painting workshops since 2005.

Those who have taken Patricia Hoban’s Process Painting class will tell you, it’s not about being good – it’s about being in the moment. Some students have taken the workshop many times finding that each time it has been equally gratifying.

To register, click here.

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