
Moe, Daniel

Daniel Moe was born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1967. He received his Fine Arts degree in Hot Glass from The University of Wisconsin in 1991.

Being drawn by a powerful calling from the Big Island of Hawaii in 1999 was a key factor to further expand his reverence to Mother Earth with his creative glass work. 

““I fell in love with glass as a medium to express my love and connection to nature. When I approach glass in its fluid state, I feel as if this connection is enhanced. Tuning into this sacred space, allows me to understand the link between the earth elements and my own.

Glass is not only a material, it is matter, living its own life, a powerful medium of communication. It is both beautiful and treacherous. It lends itself to metaphor because it can imitate some things, such as Water, Magma, Stone and suggests other things like Air and Light. It is poetry.

The ephemeral changing colors and movement of magma and moving water are properties of the glass itself. It can be liquid, viscous, transparent, opaque, shiny, solid, adaptable, flowing and versatile. This makes it the perfect material to express the dynamic raw and liberating energy revealed in the Aina (land) of Hawaiʻi” 

IMG_0018 - Version 2View more work by Daniel Moe by visiting his page on our online store here.

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