Workshop: 3D Flag Book Making with Charlene Asato


Join Charlene Asato at Volcano Art Center for Exploring Flag Books, Saturday, January 30, from 9am– 12 Noon, at VAC’s Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village. Class fee is $35/$32 VAC members, plus a $10 materials fee.

If you’re familiar with a pop-up book then your eyes will be in for a treat with the imaginative Flag Book. It’s more than a book; it’s a piece of art.

Created by Hedi Kyle, the flag book is one of the most popular book art structures around. The spine is accordion folded with flags attached creating a pop-up effect when the book is opened. The “flags” can be drawings, photographs or abstract imagery. This book structure is great for creating special cards for holidays, birthdays or memoirs, or simply as a piece of art.

No book binding experience is necessary.

Tools to bring: x-acto knife with fresh #11 blade, cutting mat, scissors, pencil, metal edge ruler, bone folder, glue stick, old magazine or catalog for gluing. Optional: any art supplies such as colored pencils, crayons, photographs for collaging, scraps of paper, scoring board, rubber stamps, or stencils. You’re only limited by your imagination!

Charlene avidly pursues book arts, paper arts, photography, calligraphy and doll arts. Her artist’s books have won awards in local and national juries shows. You can visit her website by clicking here. 


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