Vocal Workshop with Rebecca Folsom


Vocal WorkShop Rebecca Folsom VAC
Join us for a Vocal Workshop hosted by Rebecca Folsom on March 20th from 10:00am to 1:30pm! In this workshop you will learn to sing and express authentically with ease and flow tapping into your own personal vocal freedom! We will uncover and polish the beauty and power of your individual authentic voice.

Our bodies are powerful instruments of personal expression, the starting point where we shape the creative masterpiece of our lives. We will play with and practice simple exercises to enable your natural voice to shine through.

This workshop is experiential and weaves an extraordinary blend of traditional and non-traditional vocal technique, martial arts, yogic posture, Toltec, and Taoist exercises. Effective for singers and non-singers alike, you will learn to relax physical strain, learn to flow with the rush of adrenaline, strengthen underdeveloped potential, and feel the freedom of liberating release. The beauty of these techniques is that they are easy to learn, powerfully affect confidence, ease, and personal presence, and greatly impact your ability to connect and engage in dynamic flow with yourself and the world around you.

We will practice within a loving environment releasing into the authentic voice you always knew you had within you. Practical, surprisingly transformational and fun! Please bring one song to sing. You can simply bring an accapella song, you can accompany yourself, or you can bring a basic chart and I will accompany you.

Open to all levels of singers! Come liberate, transform and enjoy the Art of your own Vocal Freedom! The price for this workshop is $50 plus a $10 supply fee!

Register by calling us at Volcano Art Center 808-967-8222!



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