Hula Arts

Hula Arts at Kīlauea Programs.

Since 1980, Volcano Art Center (VAC) has continually sponsored a variety of award-winning activities and workshops that expose participants to aspects of the rich Hawaiian culture from both the Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village and the VAC Gallery inside of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park (HVNP). Funding provided by Hawai‘i Tourism through the Community Enrichment Program.


Hula hālau from around the country come to HVNP to share this traditional form of hula and chant while facing Halemaʻumaʻu crater, the sacred home of the volcano goddess Pele, in these free, interpreted outdoor performances. For spectators, experiencing ancient style sounds, rhythms, and dance in the natural setting of Kīlauea volcano is authentic and quite extraordinary.  Hula Kahiko performances take place one Saturday each month, 10:30 – 11:30am.    Learn More >>


Every Friday, on the porch of VAC’s Gallery in HVNP, as well as once a month on Hula Kahiko performance Saturdays, Hawaiian practitioners share various aspects of their culture with storytelling and hands-on activities that include making lei, gourd instruments and hula implements, as well as lauhala weaving, kapa beating, hula (dance), oli (chant) and ʻukulele playing. Aloha Fridays are each week, 11am-1pm.  Nā Mea Hula (all things hula) demonstrations are once a month on Hula Kahiko Saturdays from 11am – 1pm.  Each year on May 1st, a special celebration takes place on the VAC Gallery porch.  With hundreds of fragrant blossoms and plant materials provided by the Volcano Art Center, learn tips for sewing the perfect lei, the proper protocol of giving and receiving a lei and more.  May Day is Lei Day, 11am – 1pm.   Learn More >>


These free, monthly offerings held at the VAC Gallery in HVNP, present an engaging, intimate “talk story” session with Hawaiʻi Island’s kumu hula.  Join VAC as these practitioners share their hula genealogy, traditions, protocols, experiences, chants and choreography that are rooted in the ancient Hawaiian practice of hula and its associated arts.  Hula Voices is generally scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month, 5:30 – 7pm.  Learn More >>


Through its Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village, VAC extends upon the
above-mentioned cultural demonstrations by offering thorough instruction in all
things Hawaiian, including the Hawaiian language.  Learn More >>


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